Pasto Grande and Apa Apa Reserve (TE02-04-PA)

Day 2 - Page 2

14:30-17:00 Puente Villa – Cumbre Pass (70 km – 43.5 mi)

The road follows the Unduavi river and gently gains in altitude. It passes several small communities, and leads through dense vegetation. The road is norrow, but it is not as busy as he road to Coroico. The road crosses several creeks and passes by several waterfalls, at the most spectacular one we will have a short rest. Eventually the road starts a steep ascent through several tight zig zag curves. As the road gains altitude, the vegetation starts to disappear. Eventually the road connects with the main road to Coroico, which at this point is paved and after several kilometres we arrive to the military police checkpoint at Unduavi, where the vehicles and passengers are checked for controlled substances. From here on the road is wide and in generally good conditions and we are surrounded by rocky giants of Cordillera Real. As we keep climbing, the last of the vegetation is replaced by rocky moon like landscape. Eventually we will arrive to the Cumbre Pass at 4660 m (15289 f).

17:00-18:00 Cumbre pass – Inca Trail – Cumbre pass (10 km – 6.2 mi)

Arriving at the Cumbre Pass we will turn off the main road entering into the Cotapata National Park and continue climbing through a moon-like landscape along off-road tracks to the beginning of the Choro Inca Trail. The last stage of the track will require low gear ratios from our four wheel drive SUVs. The pass Apacheta Chucura, where the trail starts is at the altitude of 4880 m (16010 f). The views from the pass are unforgettable. For those who feel well in this altitude and want to have some truly amazing views of the surrounding scenery, we can follow the ridgeline for a while and climb up to 4990 m (16371 f), from where we will have truly amazing view of the surrounding Cordillera Real and its peaks and valleys. After our short outing we will return to our SUVs and return to the Cumbre Pass.

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