Recommendations on health issues in Bolivia

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Next, you should also consider the following immunisations; however the requirement of these depends on your activities, lifestyle and length of stay in South America (Bolivia):

Hepatitis B

The hepatitis B virus is transmitted sexually and by puncture of the skin with contaminated instruments such as needles. The disease can lead to liver damage and eventual liver failure. The vaccine is usually given as a 3 dose course over 6 months but accelerated regimes can be used if time is short.


There have been no cholera outbreaks for several years in Bolivia, but if you like to travel off beaten track and plan to stay with the locals in poor areas, it is something to consider. Risk of infection for travellers travelling with Bolivian Experience tour is nearly non-existent. Cholera is transmitted by contaminated food and water. This infection is rare in travellers as disease outbreaks tend to be associated with slum areas. A cholera vaccine is now available. All travellers should take care with food / water hygiene.


TB is present in Bolivia, especially in the isolated poorer countryside areas. The risk of infection however by people travelling with Bolivian Experience tour is nearly non existent. It is transmitted by close contact with infected persons.

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